Channel: Teen Vogue
Category: Entertainment
Tags: celebrityi dare youteen vogue원어스원어스 oneusoneus kpop grouponeuskeonheexion oneusravn oneustruth or dareravnseoho oneusleedo oneusoneus funnyoneus interviewteen vogue oneuskpop grouponeus kpopseohokeonhee oneuscomedyxiononeus grouponeus musichwanwoong oneuslifestylearts & entertainmentteen vogue i dare youleedoone us interviewoneus 2022one ushwanwoong
Description: ONEUS plays a fun game of "I Dare You" with their bandmates. The K-pop band will choose either a "truth" or "dare" and show off some of their hidden talents while getting super honest. Ravn, Seoho, Leedo, Keonhee, Hwanwoong and Xion are up for the challenges. Still haven’t subscribed to Teen Vogue on YouTube? ►► ABOUT TEEN VOGUE Fashion, beauty tips, celebrity style, pop culture, videos, and more—everything you need to be ahead of the trends. Fashion starts here.